mardi 3 février 2015

Linguistic Biograhy

There is no much to know about me, expect that I spent my life learning.

I never worked hard and I had aptitude that allows me to succeed.
But it's been no bed of roses, because my family don't speak English so well. My parents speak mainly Spanish because we only traveled in Spain or Portugal and we just speak french at home.

Among all the languages I learned, English is probably the easiest. As soon as I learned, I discovered a culture and traditions at the opposite of what I knew. When I was in high school I started a new subject: English literature. Thanks to my teacher, who was amazing, I read many books such as Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, or Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. English literature become one of my favorite hobby. I was interested by english and american authors, about their biographies and the way they wrote. Many of those histories have been adapted on movies and they allowed me to love cinema. Gradually it became a passion. 
I've always been fascinated by celtics legends and royals histories, I had learned English thanks to this ! 
I managed to pass my passion to my little sister whose dream is to travel in London. So I decided to go to London with her in June ! 

I speak Spanish too, but I've never felt the urge to interest me to the culture or traditions. To me, speak a different language is a way to share different visions of life because English is becoming an international tongue, there is something romantic too. Speak English mean express oneself in Shakespeare language, be able to meet strangers and, why not, find friends or more !