samedi 25 avril 2015

What evolution of medias ?

First of all, informations arrives thanks to newspaper. From the end on the ninetieth century to the middle of the twentieth century , newspapers were paramount to keep an eye on the news. 
The Dreyfus affair began on 1 November 1894 when a newspaper of extreme right, led by the anti-Semitic journalist Edouard Drumont, breaks military secrecy and reveals a Jewish officer is accused of having betrayed France, spying at benefit of Germany. It is the first mediatic scandal which increase the impact of medias. 
Most newspapers engages appears then, some were anti-Dreyfus: La Croix, Le Petit Journal. Others provide a forum for intellectuals (this term is then created) defending the innocence of Dreyfus.
The Dreyfus affair is not the only event that provoque the development of medias. Thanks to the First World War, people can be aware of the avanced of war
With the outbreak of war, the press is strictly controlled to avoid breakage of the Sacred Union and demobilization of the "rear". This return of censorship is called "cramming." The political crisis is avoided at the cost of freedom of expression.
To fight against this control, a new free press appears, based on derision. 

After the war, Europe is completely destoyed and extremism became more and more powerful. The media response to crises in the inter-war period and the Second World War (1918-1945)In the 1920s and 1930s, newspapers have again republican liberties. New titles appear. On the  right is affirmed now the French Action, founded by Charles Maurras. On the left, Humanity became a communist newspaper. Radio also are emerging.
This new medium diffuses rapidly from the 1920s half the households owns in 1936. The state has the monopoly of emissions and antenna concessions. The programs avoid as much as possible to engage in crisis, if not to support the government line.
The media deals with the establishment of the Vichy regime.
Upon the declaration of war on 1 September 1939, the press is under control. Stalin is allied with Hitler, the Communist newspaper L'Humanité is prohibited. When full powers are attributed to Marshal Pétain 10 July 1940, the press is already under control or favorable to that vote and denounces this little break with the Republic ahead.
The regime of Marshal Petain is based on the right logs pre-war years and the events planned to film and broadcast on radio, including Radio Paris. Resistance reacts with the printing and distribution of illegal newspapers like Libération. The prestige of the press remained after the war. Radio London helps to maintain the link between the French and General de Gaulle.

New media and political crises since 1945
After the war, television appears. The first issue date to 1947. In 1949, a news program is broadcast every day. From the 1950s, television diffuses rapidly. It is strictly controlled by the state through the ORTF.
Press opinion is modernizing and takes the form of magazines: Paris Match, L'Express, Le Nouvel Observateur.
The war of Algeria in May 1968: the mobilized media
An attempted coup in Algiers by military supporters of French Algeria, May 13, 1958. The call to General de Gaulle saves the Republic and led to the proclamation of a new constitution. De Gaulle uses television to speak directly to the French and explain the meaning of this new regime. Furthermore, the press continues to be controlled in Algeria, especially the left one, in favor of independence.
Events of May 1968 creates a duel between gorvernement and students who wants to express themselves freely. Many of these students wants governement reduce the censorship and stop uses media as instruments to control people lifes.
Since the 1980s, a new relationship between the media and opinion appears through surveys. Moreover, there was a decline in sales of so-called newspaper of "opinion". Television and radio broadcasts offer consensual.

New Media
The relationship between media and opinion are deeply transformed by the massive use of the Internet, which removes the mainstream media initiative dissemination of information and making it much faster. These networks were particularly activated to organize the great republican demonstration against the National Front between the two rounds of 2002.

Thus, the media were powerful revealing the great movements of public opinion, but also the transition to information for the masses and not just for the elite. In each of the political crisis, the media witnessed the intensity of politics and citizen engagement. They were also an issue that power has often tried to control.
Books and movies in one basket ! 

"The Hunger Games taught me to never give up the ones I love. Harry Potter taught me that love and friendship can defeat all evil. Divergent taught me that it is a good thing to be different. Percy Jackson taught me that there is a hero in evryone of us."

The worldwide success of the Harry Potter saga has finally
launched the "movement" of literary adaptations on the big
screen . Each "Harry" was a cardboard box office at the
time of its release , and the franchise can now claim to be the
second most lucrative franchise of our American neighbors with nearly
$ 2.4 billion of total revenues. In 2003, in an interview with
Newsweek magazine , JK Rowling, Harry Potter author confided : "
There were times when I regretted having sold the film rights ."
We can understand it.
Another cardboard box office , the bestselling Stephenie Meyer, Twilight. The saga vampire literature has earned $ 1.3 billion in total revenue in five films .

The unprecedented success of the series Harry Potter has shown that children and adolescents were not refractory to play. Some do not consider this literature in its original sense, but paved with hundreds of pages are consumed , usually within hours , sometimes even originale30 release.
In France , the phenomenon is accompanied by another : the publication and reading of works in the original version.

The three novels of The Hunger Games have been positive . They were particularly commended for their addictive narrative quality and action present in all the books. The Kindling is considered better than the first novel while Uprising was praised for his portrayal of violence , for the construction of the universe depicted and romantic intrigue that emerges.

As regards the trilogy Divergent, it has sold 11 million copies in the United States . In France , the first volume has sold 80,000 copies , the second at 60,000 and as the third of which is due out May 15 , they should enjoy the movie effect. Teenagers do not read this book for its literary style , but for the story that resonates in them. The author, Veronica Roth , depicts a teenager ordered to make a choice that will determine his future life. It evokes all that is the salt of this age : the desire for transgression , the need for adrenaline , instinct clan , awakening love a warrior and subversive mode. In this war of genres, it is indeed a heroine who pulls out of the game , hands and muscles. What pleases especially girls , usually less inclined to love novels ( and films) action .

Such as Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, are one of the most popular books of those ten years. It represent person who feel different and finally found a place where they can understand their stories. A story which allows us to understand who we are, where we are and why !

"What goes into crisps goes into you."

Now a days, a lot of countries develop health-awareness campaign. 
It is necessery to make people aware of the danger of obesity. America is one of the most country touch by obesity. United Kingdom wants to reduce the obesity rate and prevent britains to become obese; it is a current disease touching more students and teenagers. But we can also notice that people don't care of heart disease. These disease are touching more and more people because of our new way of life. In fact junk food is one of an important part of our meals. 

This poster is produced by the British Heart foundation which is concerned about heart problems. We don't know when it was made but it seems to be fairly recent. This is an effective and shocking document broadcast in United Kingdom. 

First of all, let's focus on the layout of the  poster: 
In the top right hand corner, we can see the logo of the British herat foundation with its name underneath and below. In the first half of the poster, there is a catchphrase: 'What goes into crisps goes into you'. In the second half of the document, we can see a girl, obviously a teenager who is drinking cooking oil out of a plastic bottle. 
The layout has been well-thought-out because all the information given is very clear: the logo of the British Heart foundation is red and white and it really stands out because the background is black. The catch-phrase is written in bold and in large white characters which is also eye-catching because of the dark background. We can notice that there is another element in the picture whiwh is the girl's tee shirt. This colour has certainly been chosen on purpose: it can make us think of blood, of arteries, of veins, of our hearts.

Secondly, let's focus on the purpose of this advertisement:
The British Heart foundation wishes to warn people about the dangers of an unbalanced diet. They have chosen to talk about crisps because it is something that many people eat for lunch. The aim of this advert is undoubtedly to shock people showing this young girl drinking cooking oil. It aims at making people think twice before they eat junk food. The fact taht oil is running down the girl's neck and chin is meant to shock ans stresses the fact that there is too much oil in crisps. 
The advertisers have chosen to show a bottle of cooking oil on which you can see French fries. This is no coincidence and it is meant to point out that chips also countain a large quantity of fat. 
They certainly hope that people will be shocked and concerned and will think on the consequences of eating junk food.
If you eat too much fat, your veins can be blocked leading to a heart attack.

Thirdly, it would be interesting to ask ourselves who the target of this advert is.
As the advertisers have chosen a little girl, the intended audience must be young people. Indeed, many teenagers eat junk food, especially at lunch time and tea time. 
The catch-phrase is well-chosen because it directly addresses people: it is as if someone was warning us.
We acn also say that this photo is so eye-catching that anybody will look at it and feel concerned. Parents in particular, seeing that little girl who could be theirs, will certainly be interested in reading the information which is under the catch-phrase and may think twice before preparing their offspring's lunch. Another question which we should ask ouselves is 'why the advertisers chosen a slim young girl and not a fat one ?'
We could answer it is not advert against obesity but about heart problems. 
Consequently, everybody is conderned, even slim people eating junk food can have heart problems. 
Other question: why has she got her eyes closed ? 
It may symbolize the fact that people don't know how dangers it can be to eat much fat or that they close their eyes to the dangers os such a diet. 

To conclued we can say that this advert is shocking but effective. We can help wanted to know more. Nevertheless, do you think that crisps should be forbidden ? 
Give your point of view !