samedi 25 avril 2015

Books and movies in one basket ! 

"The Hunger Games taught me to never give up the ones I love. Harry Potter taught me that love and friendship can defeat all evil. Divergent taught me that it is a good thing to be different. Percy Jackson taught me that there is a hero in evryone of us."

The worldwide success of the Harry Potter saga has finally
launched the "movement" of literary adaptations on the big
screen . Each "Harry" was a cardboard box office at the
time of its release , and the franchise can now claim to be the
second most lucrative franchise of our American neighbors with nearly
$ 2.4 billion of total revenues. In 2003, in an interview with
Newsweek magazine , JK Rowling, Harry Potter author confided : "
There were times when I regretted having sold the film rights ."
We can understand it.
Another cardboard box office , the bestselling Stephenie Meyer, Twilight. The saga vampire literature has earned $ 1.3 billion in total revenue in five films .

The unprecedented success of the series Harry Potter has shown that children and adolescents were not refractory to play. Some do not consider this literature in its original sense, but paved with hundreds of pages are consumed , usually within hours , sometimes even originale30 release.
In France , the phenomenon is accompanied by another : the publication and reading of works in the original version.

The three novels of The Hunger Games have been positive . They were particularly commended for their addictive narrative quality and action present in all the books. The Kindling is considered better than the first novel while Uprising was praised for his portrayal of violence , for the construction of the universe depicted and romantic intrigue that emerges.

As regards the trilogy Divergent, it has sold 11 million copies in the United States . In France , the first volume has sold 80,000 copies , the second at 60,000 and as the third of which is due out May 15 , they should enjoy the movie effect. Teenagers do not read this book for its literary style , but for the story that resonates in them. The author, Veronica Roth , depicts a teenager ordered to make a choice that will determine his future life. It evokes all that is the salt of this age : the desire for transgression , the need for adrenaline , instinct clan , awakening love a warrior and subversive mode. In this war of genres, it is indeed a heroine who pulls out of the game , hands and muscles. What pleases especially girls , usually less inclined to love novels ( and films) action .

Such as Divergent, The Mortal Instruments, are one of the most popular books of those ten years. It represent person who feel different and finally found a place where they can understand their stories. A story which allows us to understand who we are, where we are and why !

1 commentaire:

  1. I don' t know if adapting books into movies is a good idea ... I can't make up my mind! First, I am often disappointed about adaptations in films from the original books. Then I 'm not sure that it pushes young people to read ... Or maybe it's the opposite!
